Monday, August 23, 2010

Sinking Boat Insurance Myths

You don't believe in the mermaids and you don’t believe your friend caught a sea monster fishing off the Florida coast. So why do most boaters believe boat insurance covers them wherever they go?

Progressive Insurance surveyed more than 1,000 boat owners. It uncovered a few insurance myths floating around. Here's a sample of the findings and the facts behind each:

Thursday, August 12, 2010

What Is Liability Insurance In NY?

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a specific type of insurance coverage or policy to be referred to by a number of synonymous names. One area of insurance in NY where this is particularly prevalent is in the area of liability insurance.
Commercial insurance brokers in NY are often asked such such questions as: “what is commercial general liability insurance?”  It is first helpful to know that this type of coverage is also referred to as general liability, business liability, commercial general liability, CGL, and even just liability insurance.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

In Case of Accident: Tips for Your Car Insurance Claim

The most dangerous thing most of us do is drive a car. With more than 6 million accidents last year in the U.S. alone, a new accident is happening somewhere while you read each sentence in this post. Thus your chances of being involved in a vehicular accident and having to file an insurance claim at some point are pretty high.
As your Middletown NY insurance agents can tell you, it is important to know what to do in case it happens to you—and to be prepared.