One way to avoid sticker shock or buyer’s remorse when purchasing a new car is to consider expenses you may encounter down the road.
For instance, experts say that while most people anticipate the purchase price, taxes and registration fees associated with a vehicle, many forget that the insurance they need to protect their vehicle could come with a hefty price tag. Fortunately, there are ways to keep insurance costs down while maintaining the type and amount of coverage a new car typically requires.
To help consumers control car costs—from sticker price to insurance premiums—The Progressive Group of Insurance Companies offers these tips:
For instance, experts say that while most people anticipate the purchase price, taxes and registration fees associated with a vehicle, many forget that the insurance they need to protect their vehicle could come with a hefty price tag. Fortunately, there are ways to keep insurance costs down while maintaining the type and amount of coverage a new car typically requires.
To help consumers control car costs—from sticker price to insurance premiums—The Progressive Group of Insurance Companies offers these tips: