Car insurance costs more for teens. That’s just a fact, as most parents and teens know. But are you aware of all the ways that you could save big bucks on those policy premiums with a teen driver? If you want low cost car insurance in New York for your teen, there are some things you should know!
Teens may grumble that it isn’t fair that they have to pay more for car insurance, but the bottom line for insurance companies is that the average teen, statistically speaking, is a bigger risk than the average mature driver.
This is due to the lack of driving experience and considerable evidence that they take greater risks. They are involved in accidents more frequently, and with more frequent fatalities and critical injuries.
This is due to the lack of driving experience and considerable evidence that they take greater risks. They are involved in accidents more frequently, and with more frequent fatalities and critical injuries.
All that may be true of the average teen, but not of every teen—and insurance companies appreciate that distinction. Thus teens and their parents should investigate policies that take into account the evidence of the teens experience and good judgment.
Teens are involved in a higher number of car accidents with fatal or critical injuries. This statistic translates into higher rates for teenagers. However, there are certain considerations that can affect the overall cost of insuring your teen. Here are four ways that you can keep that premium down when you as for New York car insurance rate quotes:
1. Do not buy a sporty or two-door car. A 4-door sedan will have a lower rate for a teen. Forget about speed and horsepower—those factors will boost the premium faster than you can accelerate the car. Choose a car with a low theft rate as well. If it is an older model with low bluebook value, you might even drop the collision insurance and keep just the liability insurance.
2. Keep a spotless driving record. Even those small insurance claims for a nick or bent fender will be noticed. Teenagers need to learn now the importance of obeying all traffic laws so that they do not accumulate a record. Both insurance claims and traffic tickets can ratchet up the cost of car insurance. Over time, if a teen keeps a perfect record, the premiums may be reduced annually by some companies.
3. Take driver education. Some states even require this before teens can be licensed. If not offered at school or at the community college, contact a local driving school. Successful training here may lower rates—and it is likely to make the teen a safer, more knowledgeable driver in normal and special circumstances.
4. Keep that GPA up. If a teenager is maintaining a good grade average, e.g., makes the honor roll, many insurance companies will give a “good student discount.” Responsible students tend to make responsible drivers, and they are duly rewarded.
Always compare rates and policies before purchasing insurance. Your current insurance policy may be better for you, but may not have the best rates for your teenager. When you want to save money on New York insurance, check around for joint and individual policies as you may find it more affordable to buy care insurance for teenagers on a separate policy.
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