Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Preventing Motorcycle Theft

Motorcycles are stolen at a higher rate than cars. The obvious reason being that it is much easier to steal a motorcycle than a car, but with the values of today's new bikes now starting to catch up to some cars; the incentive to steal a motorcycle is much greater for thieves. Did you know that the majority of stolen motorcycles are never recovered? These are all major factors as to why NY motorcycle insurance rates are steadily increasing as well.

Lets talk about simple but effective ways to prevent motorcycle theft. Some are pretty obvious, some not so much.

  • First of all, Lock the ignition and take the key with you. Motorcycles often get stolen because the owner left the ignition unlocked. Also Lock the steering. Motorcycles come with a fork lock, which is the equivalent of a car’s steering lock.
  • Chain your motorcycle to a secure object that is difficult to destroy. It only takes a few seconds for a couple of guys to hoist a motorcycle into a van and take off.
  • Avoid parking your bike next to or between large trucks, SUVs, or anything that can help give cover to thieves.
  • Install an alarm or a complete motorcycle anti-theft system.
  • Lock your disks with motorcycle disk locks.
  • Sometimes removing the main fuse of your motorcycle when you park can be a good idea if you don't have an anti-theft system installed.
  • Remove the key numbers off your motorcycle’s ignition lock if they were left by the manufacturer. Don't forget to write them down and store in a secure place at home.
  • Store your motorcycle in a secured location such as a locked garage or fenced area.
 If everybody does their part to help prevent motorcycle theft, it will become more trouble than it is worth to thieves and theft rates will start to fall en mass. Once that happens, NY insurance rates will start to drop again as well. The funny thing is, it's just as easy to prevent motorcycle theft as it is to steal a motorcycle.

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